Wednesday, June 13, 2007

We just miss you...everyday

Dear Reddy,
We went to Puerto Galera 2 weeks ago and as usual, we miss your playful presence. I can never match the "rough" water games you play with the kids. I know they missed that. I know they wished I can do that with them. But, I was sad that I can't. I guess there are things that I really can't do as a "father" to the kids. Beth, Kaye and Benjie missed you. Benjie pretended that he was drinking beer with you.

We'll be going to Hongkong this weekend. Vacations will never be the same without you. Tita Neng said had she known you'll be leaving us soon, she should have made us go to Hongkong last year. In that Hongkong trip we know you'll be with us. You'll never let us miss any fun part. This early, April has been bugging me to be with her in all the "fun" rides only you two can appreciate. This trip is more fun if you're with us. Be with us in your usual fun spirit. We love you Reddy. Every fun part we'll have in Hongkong is for you.