Tuesday, May 1, 2007


It's just coincidence that the day I said my goodbyes to my colleagues, it was also the day that I informed my parents-in-law that I and the kids have decided to live with my parents.

First, the new job. I resigned last March 13 not knowing where to go. It was an emotional, drastic and yes, stupid decision on my part. Stupid because, being a single mom, I cannot afford to be without a job. But, I left it all up to HIM. True enough, a week after I filed my resignation, I found a job. This is now my second day in my new "family" and I am enjoying it so far.

Second, a new yet old home. I am just going back to my roots. To where I really belong. Though, I never really left :)

I just feel that with Reddy's passing, I need to be around people who truly knows me. Who understands me more than anyone. It's not that my parents-in-law don't know me and don't understand me. It's just that we all are in grief and as much as I would want to support them with their grief...It might make mine worse. I just feel that I am not the best support system for them now and vice versa. I just feel comfortable being with my "own family" with all due respect to my in-laws who are so supportive of me and the kids in all aspect that I could not ask for more.

I just want to feel the bond of my family. Now that mine is incomplete. I just want my kids to be "just kids" and somehow even for some moment, they will not feel that they are still grieving. That they are part of a complete and "happy" family.

The home we've lived since my kids were born is a great reminder of their fun time with their father but, in the same way that it also give them the sadness that their father will not be coming "home".

That said, my decision is based on 2 beautiful souls. These 2 great blessings are my responsibility and the sole reason why I had to say goodbye to my colleagues to look for a new "family" and to go back to my new/old home and be with my "own family".

mylene 04172007

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