Tuesday, May 1, 2007


No one can ever predict or dictate how long my grieving will be. I know that it's really a matter of choice. .. MY CHOICE. But, through the help of my family and true, patient and loyal friends, I am sure that I will never find it hard to go through this life's test and will come out of it in one BETTER piece.

And though, there are no sure ways to cope with a loss, there are pockets of wisdom which will certainly help me understand and handle my emotions well. Wisdom shared by friends who know, understand and love me unconditionally. Friends who will always be there to put me back to where I should be...snap me back to reality...save me from drowning with my own sorrows...who will catch me when i fall...or pick me up if i fall hard flat on my face...:-)

  • One doesn't set conditions to attain peace...no ifs and buts...it's either you want it or not.
  • When you decide to accept reality...when you face the fact that you don't and you can't be miserable just because he's gone...when you stop pitying yourself...when you understand that you are actually a complete person with or without him...when you start appreciating life...
  • it's actually letting go but not forgetting...you cherish and celebrate your life with him and not drown in sorrow for his passing away.
  • you love him that much and no one is asking you to unlove him. He's moved on to a different plane now...you could draw strength from whatever he has shared with you.
  • me? i moved on coz i simply chose to...yes, there were dark , lonely, pitiful, miserable, wanting-to-die periods too, but its simply a choice one has to make in full understanding of all probable implications.
  • don't doubt your capacity to raise your kids well...you're a good person and have wonderful kids who love you and would understand you.
  • "There are many ways to test one's strength of character. Why this?"...Because it's the kind of test that might shape your character to its best.
  • Letting go doesn't mean not loving or stopping from loving them...it's recognizing that each of us have individual lives, lives that we agree to share with others.
  • We are all complete beings...but the quality of our completeness lies on how we appreciate life...from the littlest of things to the most grand dreams.
  • We don't have all the answers in this world...but there are things which help us find answers to some of our nagging questions about life.
  • It's not actually how long does one take to realize when to move on or let go...it's that need to consciously understand what, why things happen and take a firm decision on what needs to be done.
  • Life is our canvass...but we pick out the hues, colors, strokes and forms...our moods, attitudes, behavior, disposition affect our overall picture. BUT WE CAN PAINT ANEW.
  • You can't hang on to one who's already someplace else. Cherish his life, draw strength from the ways he lived it well, learn...not hold on to him hoping he'd be back...individualized coping means.

mylene 03172007

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